Graphic Design Package – Park
Dennis Weaver Memorial Park. We do signage, print and web, written articles and more.
We help promote the Park with banners, signs, a website, Facebook page, online and print articles in various publications. The brochure is distributed in several states and has an online presence as well as print copies. We attend trade and tourism shows and do on-screen presentations about the park, handing out brochures and rack cards. We help with PayPal purchases of the park tee-shirt. The park website links to the official Dennis Weaver’s website, which we also design and maintain (along with his Facebook page).
Working with the Weavers, we created a marketing plan for the park and several related entities and did the logo design for them all so they would have common identity. We also do a lot of their photography( you’ll see a lot of it on the website), which is one of the best parts of the job—we love the Park and enjoy spending time there in every season. Take a look at their website – you really get a feel for the Park and the beautiful area of the San Juan Mountains where Dennis made his home.
San Juan Publishing Group, Inc.
Your best solution for outstanding graphic design – in print and online!
When experience counts, count on us!