September 20, 2013
Public Presentations
Verbal and Visual Presentations in a public venue
Have you been asked to speak to a group? Teach a class? Do a demonstration? Talk about what you do, where you’ve traveled, some special interest or vocation. . . and present examples? For many people, public speaking—no matter how large or small your audience—can be intimidating.
Banish that fear. Help is here! We can fix it so you are comfortable presenting.
We can help you with everything from a slide, power point, audio or video presentation, to special displays or handouts. We can also help with pre-publicity, assist if needed during the presentation, and provide followup feedback. If you wish, we will photograph or video you during trial runs – so you can fine tune your presentation for and video or photograph you during the actual presentation.
We will help you:
• Identify and Define Your Audience.
• Prepare a presentation directed toward your specific audience.
• Be comfortable and confident when presenting.
• Prepare Pre- and Post-event Publicity.
• Critique your performance with follow-up and review of presentation.
If you already have your own ppt and presentation ready to go, we can man the projector, sound system, and lighting, make funny faces if you start to panic and keep you smiling. We’re Robin to your Batman. When presentation counts, count on us!
Event Planning & Management
Call on us if you need help scheduling, planning, orchestrating, and conducting an event. We do it all, from locating the venue, coordinating food and beverage, preparing presentation materials (print and video) and handouts, and finding speakers—which could be you, could be us, or could be a top presenter in their field.
For questions, more information, or to discuss how we can help you
with your PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS, please contact us today.
San Juan Publishing Group, Inc.
Presentation Specialists
When experience counts, count on us!