

Cecily Anne Reflective Art Photography
Eileen & Jim Baumgardt Nature Photography
Robert Floyd Western Lifestyle and Nature Photography


Alice Billings Expressionistic Equine Art, acrylic and watercolor
Dan Deuter Authentic Western Art, oil
Edith Eggett Aboriginal Primitive Art, oil
Nita Lightsey
Mark Mace Kinetic Expressionist, oil, watercolor, acrylic
Mary Mellot Colorful, Immaginative creations, oil & gouache
Rudl Mergleman Western & Wildlife Art. oil
Linda Nadel watercolor, oil
Maggie Remington Earth Paintings
Missy Rogers
Barb Torke


Desiree Hajny
Daphna Russell

Fiber Arts

Linda & Gary Davis

Glass Art

Judy Gillespie

Natiive American artists

Tommy Jackson
Benson Manygoats

Art Books

Alice Billings, ‘Hooey’
Linda Nadel, ‘How Much, Woodchuck?