Ye Olde Livery & Kurrowong Gallery
original Aboriginal art . . . and more
Story by Kathryn R. Burke
All content © San Juan Publishing Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

[Silverton, Colorado. 2012] STEP THROUGH the wide, old livery doors into a world of primitive antiques, unusual jewelry, authentic Aboriginal paintings, jeweled boxes, Russian collectibles, hand-painted miniatures on wood, stained glass, and more.
Continue to the back and you’ll find Kurrowong Gallery, a world of unique, primitive paintings by Edith Eggett. Each work of art tells its own story. Each makes a spiritual connection between artist and viewer, and for some, that connection is so strong it brings tears. Edith’s work is rich in pattern and color…and symbolism. Her subjects express the continuity of life and all living things…in this world and beyond. Edith began painting as a young child in Queensland, Australia.
“I’ve always looked to the wonders of the natural and spiritual world for images,” she says. Growing up in Australia, then living and painting in Hawaii, Canada, Europe, and Colorado, have provided a wealth of resources for her work. Kurrowong and Ye Old Livery are open May through October in Silverton, Colorado.
Edith at Ye Olde Livery, Silverton. © Kathryn R. Burke